Sometimes you just have to escape the city. The pavement gets too hot, the hustle and bustle becomes suffocating, and no matter where you go, you are never truly alone. So when my dear friend Paige invited myย girlfriends and me up to her lake houseย for the weekend, I was packed before she could even send over the address.ย
This summer I had the privilege of vacationing in Destin, FL with Brett and his family. While Gluten-free travel can sometimes be a bear, I know that one of the best things I do to prepare for any vacation, is to start my research about a week ahead of time. My hope is that whoever reads this post can add this info to their future travel tips, making the gluten-free lifestyle that much less stressful. So- without further adieu, here is how I successfully handled a week of gluten-free travel and dining in Destin!ย
There’s really nothing more refreshing than a weekend at the lake. Hopping on the boat with your best friends, jumping in the lake, playing cards, making s’mores; nothing makes you feel more like a kid again than acting like a kid. Throw in some of your best friends and you’ve got a bona-vied winner of a weekend.
So when my best friend called me up and asked if I’d like to have such a weekend with some of our best friends from college, I immediately said “yes!” and ran into my closet to rummage through all of my swim suits.