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west loop

Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle Travel

Chicago Weekend Guide

June 1, 2022

I’m updating this blog post pandemic, which seems insane to say. I’m also dedicating this blog to my two new team members Dee and Shannon, who showed me that instagram now allows little bloggers like me to link to their posts! Thanks ladies, for inspiring me to get back to something I love.

This post is here to help you plan a trip to Chicago. I’ve included some trendy neighborhoods to stay in, restaurant recommendations, as well as some interesting Chicago activities for cold & warm weather.

I love this kind of stuff, and I take pride in knowing all the must-go places to check out in Chi city so without future ado, here is my Chicago weekend guide: perfect for three day weekends, romantic getaways, overnight business trips and more! All of the restaurants I’ve recommended are places to safely dine #glutenfree unless stated otherwise.

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Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle Uncategorized

Barre & Brunch with KitchFix & Lulafit

January 19, 2017

Hello friends! It’s been a bit since I last posted on Life’s A Beacham- but what can I say, the holidays happened and now we’re in 2017! One of my resolutions for the new year is to focus on bringing you all fun and inspiring content on a weekly basis. Last year I definitely accomplished a ton: the blog got an Instagram, a Facebook page, and I joined two blogging communities here in Chi-city that have really opened me up to some amazing opportunities, and lots of new friends! 2016 was a great year for Life’s A Beacham, but this year is the year of the blog! So, I want to know what you want to see more of here- more recipes? If so, what kind? Dinner, lunch, to-go brekkie, you tell me? If it’s more life events, Top 10 product lists, advice, money blogs, tell me!ย I want to write what you most enjoy reading so please please comment down below!ย Ok now that I’ve covered that- let’s get into the cool experience I had last week with KitchFix and Lulafit’s event Barre & Brunch: Continue Reading

Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle Travel Uncategorized

Review: Tanoshii Sushi Mike’s -West Loop

July 6, 2016

I love Chicago in the summertime, because there’s always something going on! A couple week’s backย was Taste of Randolph, a street fest in the West Loop that featured live music, food, drinks, and local artists. Before hitting up the fest, a few friends and I decided to try Tanoshii Sushi Mike’s, a sushi place just down the street that caters to dietary restrictions and serves up the most creative sushi around… Just ask Mike!ย  Continue Reading

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