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west loop

Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle Travel

Chicago Weekend Guide

June 1, 2022

I’m updating this blog post pandemic, which seems insane to say.

This post is here to help you plan a trip to Chicago. I’ve included some trendy neighborhoods to stay in, restaurant recommendations, as well as some interesting Chicago activities for cold & warm weather.

I love this kind of stuff, and I take pride in knowing all the must-go places to check out in Chi city so without future ado, here is my Chicago weekend guide: perfect for three day weekends, romantic getaways, overnight business trips and more! All of the restaurants I’ve recommended are places to safely dine #glutenfree unless stated otherwise.

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Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle Uncategorized

Barre & Brunch with KitchFix & Lulafit

January 19, 2017

Hello friends! It’s been a bit since I last posted on Life’s A Beacham- but what can I say, the holidays happened and now we’re in 2017! One of my resolutions for the new year is to focus on bringing you all fun and inspiring content on a weekly basis. Last year I definitely accomplished a ton: the blog got an Instagram, a Facebook page, and I joined two blogging communities here in Chi-city that have really opened me up to some amazing opportunities, and lots of new friends! 2016 was a great year for Life’s A Beacham, but this year is the year of the blog! So, I want to know what you want to see more of here- more recipes? If so, what kind? Dinner, lunch, to-go brekkie, you tell me? If it’s more life events, Top 10 product lists, advice, money blogs, tell me!ย I want to write what you most enjoy reading so please please comment down below!ย Ok now that I’ve covered that- let’s get into the cool experience I had last week with KitchFix and Lulafit’s event Barre & Brunch: Continue Reading

Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle Travel Uncategorized

Review: Tanoshii Sushi Mike’s -West Loop

July 6, 2016

I love Chicago in the summertime, because there’s always something going on! A couple week’s backย was Taste of Randolph, a street fest in the West Loop that featured live music, food, drinks, and local artists. Before hitting up the fest, a few friends and I decided to try Tanoshii Sushi Mike’s, a sushi place just down the street that caters to dietary restrictions and serves up the most creative sushi around… Just ask Mike!ย  Continue Reading

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