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Gluten Free

Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle Uncategorized

EASY Gluten-Free Super Bowl Snacks

February 2, 2017

This upcoming weekend is Super Bowl Sunday! Hooray Sports! I get a lot of questions around this time of the year, like “what can you eat?” or “is butter a carb?” (#meangirlsquote) But really, I do get asked quite a bit if I can enjoy the Super Bowl along with the rest of my friends. My answer to that is always -hell yes! The past couple of years we’ve been going to Brett’s friends house for the game, and they always put out an immense, almost entirely gluten-free spread. The first time they pulled this off, they knew almost nothing about my allergy- and to this I say- if they can pull it off on their first try, so can you! But this post is more than just easy gluten-free super bowl snacks, it’s a collection of some healthier, protein focused recipes that you can whip up without missing a play (or in my case, a commercial). Oh- and they’re all dairy free. HOW CAN THIS BE? You’ll see. I’ve also included a naughty surprise at the end as well as some drink ideas. Intrigued? Excited? … Salivating? Huddle up and let the recipes commence!
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Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle Uncategorized

Date Night – The Wooden Spoon

January 25, 2017

One of my Christmas presents from Sir Brett was a cooking class at The Wooden Spoon- a kitchenwares shop on Clark street that also offers incredible classes where you cook a three course meal and sip on wines paired with each dish. I will admit when I heard what we were doingΒ I was nervous- a cooking class for someone strictly gluten-free? With people who may have not even heard of the allergy? Brett clearly did his research (shout-out to Amanda!) because this experience was not only delicious, but it was 100% gluten-free friendly- keep reading to find out how!IMG_3233 Continue Reading

Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle Uncategorized

Barre & Brunch with KitchFix & Lulafit

January 19, 2017

Hello friends! It’s been a bit since I last posted on Life’s A Beacham- but what can I say, the holidays happened and now we’re in 2017! One of my resolutions for the new year is to focus on bringing you all fun and inspiring content on a weekly basis. Last year I definitely accomplished a ton: the blog got an Instagram, a Facebook page, and I joined two blogging communities here in Chi-city that have really opened me up to some amazing opportunities, and lots of new friends! 2016 was a great year for Life’s A Beacham, but this year is the year of the blog! So, I want to know what you want to see more of here- more recipes? If so, what kind? Dinner, lunch, to-go brekkie, you tell me? If it’s more life events, Top 10 product lists, advice, money blogs, tell me!Β I want to write what you most enjoy reading so please please comment down below!Β Ok now that I’ve covered that- let’s get into the cool experience I had last week with KitchFix and Lulafit’s event Barre & Brunch: Continue Reading

Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle

Healthy Pumpkin Pie Breakfast Smoothie

November 21, 2016

This one’s for the lot that has to wait until 6pm to enjoy their turkey dinner. Or for anyone who wants to enjoy a truly naughty tasting breakfast smoothie, that isn’t bad for you! Have this the day of, the day before, or the day after- I promise this pumpkin pie smoothie is the perfect way to start your holiday. Yes, it tastes exactly like chilled pumpkin pie filling, yes it is packed with protein, and yes, believe it or not it is vegan πŸ™‚ so no one has to deal with a puffy tummy after one of these.

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Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle Travel Uncategorized

A Tale Of Two Cider Mills: Birthday Getaway -Grand Rapids, MI

November 18, 2016

Those of you who know me know that I like planning things in advance. So when I was only told the night before what the plans would be for the weekend I turned 25 , I gasped with excitement and relief, and ran into my room to pack! We were headed to Grand Rapids for the weekend, and we would be leaving first thing in the morning! Continue Reading

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