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Fall Recipes

Featured Gluten-Freedom

Butternut Squash Soup With Baconnnnnn

November 16, 2017

It’s officially that time of year where soup is considered a proper dinner. Something about the warmth of the soup, paired with some nice hearty #glutenfree bread and a glass of vino just warms the soul, you know? So the other day I pulled out my newest toy, my Vitamix, and I whipped up some homemade butternut squash soup with, you guessed it… bacconnnnn!

This recipe is truly as easy and tasty as it sounds, and if you get pre-cut butternut squash you’ve cut your prep time down to five minutes, tops. I’ve included the recipe below, try it out and let me know what you think!

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Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle Uncategorized

Top 10 Meal-Prep Tips For The Working Crowd

November 7, 2016

I really wanted to call this post my “Top 10 meal prep tips for anyone too hungover on Sundays or peeps who ain’t got time for that” but the formatting was all off, so, I went with “working crowd” assuming you know what I meant. But let’s get to the point shall we? Meal prep- everyone talks about it like it’s for people who have nothing else to do on a Sunday, but in actuality- it’s all about your mindset. If you “can’t even” when it comes slicing and dicing some fruit and veggies for the week, but you’re totally down to bake some pumpkin muffins or throw a chili together to smell all day while you watch football, you’re cheating yourself out of all the meal-prep possibilities I’m about to share with you.

That being said- these tips aren’t going to keep you chained to the cutting board for hours, or make you brave Costco on a weekend (unless you’re into that gauntlet atmosphere like me). We all know it’s much more fun to prep with a glass of wine on Sunday night than over a rushed cup of coffee Monday morning, so pause Netflixย and try some of these- you’ll thank me around Wednesday. Continue Reading

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