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meal prep

Featured Gluten-Freedom Lifestyle

Healthy Meal Prep For Beginners

June 8, 2015

I’d love to say I’m one of those girls, you know her: the one who walks into the office with her green smoothie having already worked out. The girl who prepped her meals for the week on Sunday, but still slept in and made it to hot yoga. I’ve been traveling back and forth a lot in the past few weeks, which means Β I’ve been coming home later than usual,Β cooking sporadically and usually forgoing protein at dinner for the sake of time and hunger.

Knowing that cooking for two is much much easier than cooking for one, Brett and I decided to end the madness and try something new this weekend. Β We hopped in the car, headed to Costco, and went in search of ingredients we could use in our first ever meal prep… have a look at what became of it!Β  Continue Reading

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